• Featured vendors

    Order/pay on your phone and these vendors get paid in silver.

    Click the phone image you see here.


    The full Victoria directory is below, just scroll.

    (we're updating and migrating from the old one)

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    Blackbird Cafe



    Come and join us for a coffee or hot chocolate of your choosing and use this web page to avoid the queue.


    Backbird cafe get paid in silver when you do.

    broken image

    Caithlin's Treats

    The Conscious Caravan

    Just yumminess ! 

    Wholesome, organic, vegan.


    You'll never think of a cashew nut the same way again !

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    Secret States


    Secret States water fasting tonics are designed for your ride across the waves of consciousness.

    Uniquely crafted from countless journeys deep into the fasted states.

    broken image


    (maybe you ?)

    Any one at all, wanting our system to ay you in silver, can use this online page, to take an order.


    Your customer pays off their card, and names you, at the point of checking out their cart.


    Scan the list for your favourite supplier - it's alphabetical by name


    Or... use the search tool in the menu if need be.


    When you find the name, click the ">" to open and read more,

    or click the name to jump to their web.


    Select a different STATE from the menu